Ahh, this is a tricky question, because every country has different laws. 

For example, in the USA, there are certain states from which you cannot buy and trade cryptocurrencies (Hawaii, for example). 

Now, if the USA (arguably the financial capital of the world) has restrictions on who can buy what, when, and how, then guess what: your country probably does too, and potentially even more onerous restrictions.

So your first step is to make sure to research the stock market laws in your country.   Just do a simple internet search for 'stock market trading laws in ____________' and spend a good week or so becoming familiar. 

This is particularly the case if you intend to trade stocks on a foreign exchange, i.e. in a country other than your own. 

Bottom line, YES, to actually invest in the stock market, you need some money.  However, you can definitely start your education about the stock market without spending a penny.