This Javascript Resource Handbook Below
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JavaScript - Resources
JavaScript H.A.C.K.ers
2 Break Diver Votes
JavaScript H.A.C.K.ers is a worldwide community of programmers who help one another to improve not only as JavaScript coders, but also in general areas of life. It's a really unique experience, brought to you by Break Diving (this website you're on now). Come chat and get support from other Break Divers pursuing JavaScript as a dive!
Category: Other Apps & Websites
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
1 Break Diver Vote
Codecademy is an online platform that offers both free and paid coding lessons. This link takes you to all the courses covering or related to JavaScript. There are no prerequisites, so you don't need any experience prior to starting. You can access the lessons without cost, but the additional practice (projects and quizzes) require Codecademy Pro. However, they refused to help Break Diving and never responded to any of our emails, so think twice before paying them any money.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
Frontend Masters
1 Break Diver Vote
Frontend Masters will help you become an expert in JavaScript. The courses dive into advanced topics, such as state management, containers, and accessibility, to help you truly master front-end development. Most courses have free previews, but you'll have to pay to get full access.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Advanced
Head First Javascript by Elisabeth Robson & Eric Freeman
1 Break Diver Vote
This is a great book from the HeadFirst crew, and with over 700 pages of easily understandable lessons. The battleship game project is a bit difficult, so if you can't get it to work, let us know in the Break Diving community, and we'll be happy to help. It's a great feeling when you finally get it operational!
Category: Textbooks
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
Rob Merrill's Javascript Beginner Bootcamp
1 Break Diver Vote
Rob's course is so easy to follow and so easy to understand, and you leave having a really firm foundation in Javascript. Highly recommended. If you go through the Popular Science Store or the NY Post Store, you can get the course included in a 10-course bundle for less than $40 USD. An amazing deal.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
W3Schools JavaScript
1 Break Diver Vote
W3schools is an excellent educational website where you can learn web development and programming languages, such as JavaScript. The tutorials mainly consist of readings with examples, plus a small exercise or quiz at the end of each lesson. The website also provides references to JavaScript keywords that you may find useful. Definitely recommended!
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
Wes Bos Beginner Javascript
1 Break Diver Vote
Wes Bos is one of the best teachers for modern JavaScript. His YouTube channel offers many tutorials for you to learn from. He also offers excellent free and premium courses on his website. Check it out!His intro to Javascript course is really fantastic, and goes far beyond where most tutorials go, giving you a real firm foundation in everything, including DOM manipulation. Highly recommended. He also has a Javascript 30 course, which is much more advanced. Don't try this until you first take his beginner JS course.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
Wes Bos Courses
Wes Bos YouTube
30 Days of JavaScript
0 Break Diver Votes
Test your JavaScript knowledge by completing 30 JavaScript projects in 30 days! It's debatable whether these projects are intermediate or advanced. If you're not sure if you're either, take Wes Bos' Beginner Javascript course first, and then jump into this.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Intermediate
Advanced Javascript Tutorials on YouTube
0 Break Diver Votes
This link will take you to all of the latest and greatest advanced javascript courses and tutorials on YouTube.
Category: Video
Skill Levels:
- Advanced
App Academy On Campus
0 Break Diver Votes
Aside from the online App Academy courses, App Academy offers live boot camps in New York or San Francisco. If you're accepted, it's free to attend, and they'll help you find a job at the end, taking a percentage of your first-year salary until the tuition is paid off.
Category: Schools
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
App Academy Online
0 Break Diver Votes
In a partnership with Break Diving, App Academy offers a completely free full-stack boot camp, all online, that teaches you to be a comprehensive full-stack developer. This could very well take you 1 - 2 years, depending on how fast you work through it, but by the end, you will be a competent programmer. Go for it!
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript
0 Break Diver Votes
A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript takes a basic approach, assuming nothing about your knowledge base, but it still takes you quite far. It’s divided into brief chapters: each chapter is broken up into 2-3 pages of practical, comprehensible examples followed by 20 free sample exercises available on the author’s website.
Category: Textbooks
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
0 Break Diver Votes is a free open Javascript/HTML/CSS playground that allows you to create multiple "pens" (i.e. projects). You can input JavaScript, HTML, and CSS and see the output of your code. You can even switch the themes between dark and light mode if you want. Definitely check it out! You can also learn a lot by looking at (and following) the pens of other coders.
Category: Other Apps & Websites
Skill Levels:
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Beginner
Complete Javascript Bundle
0 Break Diver Votes
Gain an extensive (42-Hours!) Javascript education & learn how to build web applications with Javascript.Courses include: Complete Introduction to JavaScript; JavaScript Practice Course; JavaScript Application Mini Projects; JavaScript DOM Games; JavaScript DOM Explorer with Mini Applications; JavaScript Useful Code Snippets & Applications; Learn HTML5 Canvas Drawing with JavaScript; JavaScript Objects & OOP with JavaScript.Brought to you with pride in the Break Diving shop.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
0 Break Diver Votes
Coursera is an online learning platform that works with universities and companies to offer courses on a variety of academic subjects. There are several JavaScript courses offered by prestigious universities, and they consist of videos, readings, and quizzes. The peer-graded assignments and projects help to make the courses a more hands-on experience.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
Does it mutate?
0 Break Diver Votes
A helpful cheat sheet to check if a function will mutate an array.
Category: Other Books & Resources
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
0 Break Diver Votes
Egghead is a group of working web development professionals and open source contributors who provide concise, information-dense video courses on the best tools in the industry. These courses range in difficulty, from helping you build a solid JavaScript foundation to teaching you advanced techniques. Egghead courses are designed to teach you everything you need to know to succeed with professional development work.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate Best JavaScript Courses
Eloquent JavaScript
0 Break Diver Votes
This book covers all of JavaScript and even includes a few projects for you to complete. It becomes very technical very quickly, so be forewarned, but it's a great book.
Category: Textbooks
Skill Levels:
- Intermediate
- Advanced
0 Break Diver Votes
Exercism provides over 3000 exercises spread across 50 different languages. Each exercises provides instructions, resources, solutions, and tests to help users achieve a comprehensive understanding of JavaScript. Mentors review the code you upload for exercises and teach you new techniques that you wouldn't have known otherwise. The best part is that this tool is completely free!
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
0 Break Diver Votes
FreeCodeCamp provides a comprehensive tutorial for the entire JavaScript process—from starting off to creating your first program as an online web developer using node.js. It also provides free certifications when you complete different sections. Note: It starts off easy but gets overly difficult quickly with less-than-adequate explanations and instructions as you go. Don't be discouraged—you can start here, but eventually, you need to go elsewhere to fill in the many gaps it leaves. As a side note, they refused to help Break Diving when we reached out and never responded to any of our emails, so better to donate to Break Diving rather than FCC. Also, their online community isn't so friendly. Nothing like Break Diving!
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
Link to YouTube Playlist
0 Break Diver Votes
GeeksforGeeks is a computer science portal for JavaScript enthusiasts. These tutorials provide basic instructions as well as explanations of more intermediate concepts and algorithms. Although a bit more challenging than usual, these tutorials are a valuable resource for those who want to get a solid background in JavaScript.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
0 Break Diver Votes
Guru99 is an easy-to-understand introduction to JavaScript, offering plenty of examples and tutorials. Additionally, it provides reference to other useful resources and books. It’s very suitable for beginners!
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
0 Break Diver Votes
HackerRank users are challenged to solve coding problems in different programming languages, such as JavaScript. It's one of the best sites for you to practice your JavaScript skills. This link takes you to a 10-day tutorial on JavaScript.
Category: Other Apps & Websites
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
Hour of Code
0 Break Diver Votes
Hour of Code provides fun tutorials for all skill levels. The games are targeted towards those in grade school, which makes the topics very digestible.
Category: Other Apps & Websites
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
0 Break Diver Votes
InfoWorld is a website that has many resources on Java and JavaScript, including the latest JavaScript news, tutorials, and tips. This is recommended for advanced learners, as the website primarily serves an audience of IT professionals. If you are looking to learn about a specific aspect of JavaScript, then InfoWorld is for you.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Advanced
JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development by Jon Duckett
0 Break Diver Votes
For those who are interested in learning JavaScript & jQuery side-by-side for getting started with web development. The content of the book is not just pretty but well-organized. It layers well and builds up to the next concepts in a logical way. You get to hit two birds with one stone!
Category: Textbooks
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
Javascript eBook Bundle
0 Break Diver Votes
This is a fantastic collection of javascript ebooks at a super low price. Brought to you by the Break Diving shop.
Category: Textbooks
Skill Levels:
- Intermediate
- Advanced
JavaScript For Dummies
0 Break Diver Votes
From the famous For Dummies series, this book not only teaches the basics of JavaScript, but also goes further and explains JavaScript. You can't go wrong with the Dummies books.
Category: Textbooks
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
JavaScript Notes for Professionals
0 Break Diver Votes
JavaScript Notes for Professionals, offered by Goalkicker, is a complete and comprehensive guide, with multiple examples and in-depth explanations on various topics. The books are updated weekly and are downloadable in PDF format.
Category: Textbooks
Skill Levels:
- Intermediate
- Advanced
JavaScript Online Certification Courses
0 Break Diver Votes
The courses for this certification include creating several projects, learning JavaScript concepts, learning JSON, working on Google Maps with JavaScript, and learning various frameworks, front-end and back-end.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Intermediate
- Advanced
JavaScript Projects Ideas and Practical Uses
0 Break Diver Votes
Practice your JavaScript skills by building these projects.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Intermediate
- Advanced
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide by David Flanagan
0 Break Diver Votes
For anyone interested in building powerful web applications, it explores several JS and web platform API features aimed at web application development. You can get an in-depth understanding of the workings of closure, graphics, and prototyping, etc.
Category: Textbooks
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
Khan Academy
0 Break Diver Votes
The Khan Academy Computer Programming course provides introductions to a variety of coding languages, such as JavaScript. The challenges and projects on the site help you develop a solid foundation in JavaScript.
Category: Other Apps & Websites
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
0 Break Diver Votes is a YouTube channel with hundreds of high-quality videos for beginners who want to learn more about JavaScript, and many other technologies. Just type in the link and it will take you to their YouTube channel.
Category: Video
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
Learn JavaScript
0 Break Diver Votes is a set of online tutorials and practice problems for the JavaScript programming language. Most lessons include multiple examples and practice problems to help drill in the concepts. This resource is particularly helpful for those who are more used to a hands-on approach to learning, practicing, and applying the concepts that they have learned in order to truly master them.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
Learn JavaScript Visually
0 Break Diver Votes
Learn JavaScript Visually is a concise book that helps you quickly grasp the basics of JavaScript. It effectively uses a visual approach to simplify the process of understanding JavaScript concepts, but you won't find deeper and more complex topics in this book.
Category: Textbooks
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
MDN web docs
0 Break Diver Votes
MDN has some of the most detailed sets of documentation for programming languages. The MDN docs and tutorials are a very comprehensive and reliable reference, especially when you want to explore some of the more advanced and nuanced uses of JavaScript. They also provide succinct tutorials to introduce beginners to JavaScript.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Intermediate
- Advanced
Murach's Javascript & jQuery by Mary Delamater & Zak Ruvalcaba
0 Break Diver Votes
A big 620-page book that covers all of the essentials of Javascript and jQuery, all in one place.
Category: Textbooks
Skill Levels:
- Intermediate
0 Break Diver Votes
Practice-It is a web application released by the University of Washington that offers free practice JavaScript programming problems. In order to use this service, you will need to register a free account. The solutions are automatically graded on their servers, so you'll get immediate feedback.
Category: Other Apps & Websites
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
Programming with Mosh
0 Break Diver Votes
This is a series of YouTube tutorials taught by Mosh Hamedani. Taking you from beginner to intermediate, Mosh teaches you the basics of JavaScript by building simple apps. You can access his more comprehensive courses on Udemy.
Category: Video
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
0 Break Diver Votes
This tutorial course is the perfect starting point for aspiring JavaScript developers. You'll learn all the key concepts while building apps and doing interactive coding challenges along the way.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
0 Break Diver Votes
SitePoint offers an incredible selection of online books, tutorials, and more. You can also buy many of their books online. This is a wonderful repository of excellent tutorials and books that will help you level up your JavaScript programming skills.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
SitePoint Beginner Java Path
SitePoint Full Stack Java Path
0 Break Diver Votes
SoloLearn offers an introductory course on JavaScript (and many other languages) that you can access anywhere, even on your phone! Go through the lessons and hands-on exercises then test your knowledge with interactive quizzes. The site also allows the community to discuss answers to questions and provides an online playground.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
Stackify Tutorials
0 Break Diver Votes
Stackify is an expansive collection of various tutorials on the Internet, with a brief introduction to each resource. This website can serve as a good starting point for beginner to intermediate learners who want to have a comprehensive set of resources to look at.
Category: Other Apps & Websites
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
0 Break Diver Votes
SurviveJS is an online book meant to help you get started with JavaScript and provide an understanding of the surrounding ecosystem. This book discusses more theoretical aspects of web development. By the time you complete the project, you'll have a good idea of how to implement JavaScript on your own.
Category: Textbooks
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
The Coding Train
0 Break Diver Votes
Courses for developers and aspiring developers to learn more about web application development and fundamentals of computer science.
Category: Video
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
0 Break Diver Votes
Learn everything about JavaScript, from the language itself to using JavaScript in the browser.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
The Odin Project
0 Break Diver Votes
The Odin Project is an open-source community and curriculum on web development. The curriculum teaches you to build websites from scratch, focusing on the backend.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
Full Stack JavaScript
Traversy Media
0 Break Diver Votes
Traversy Media features online web development and programming tutorials for the latest web technologies. Brad Traversy is one of the well-known instructors in the web development community. In this JavaScript series, he teaches users the basics of developing with Javascript.
Category: Video
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
Tutorials Point
0 Break Diver Votes
TutorialsPoint offers a set of very helpful beginner tutorials to introduce you to JavaScript and programming in general. Its mission is to deliver "Simply Easy Learning" with clear to-the-point content. No prior knowledge is assumed and the tutorials take care to explain each step in detail. There are also multiple examples that illustrate the concepts being taught, which help to make the concepts comprehensible.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
Tuts Plus Tutorials
0 Break Diver Votes
Tuts Plus offers amazingly detailed tutorials that teach you how to solve specific problems. Difficulty ranges from complete basics to more advanced app building.
Category: Other Apps & Websites
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
0 Break Diver Votes
TwilioQuest is an application that teaches JavaScript through a new and engaging game. While adventuring, you must solve practice exercises and puzzle through the Top-Secret JavaScript Test Lab. The missions range in difficulty, so even advanced coders can practice their JavaScript through TwilioQuest.
Category: Other Apps & Websites
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
0 Break Diver Votes
With Udacity, you can learn the basics (and the nuances) of JavaScript through video lessons and interactive quizzes. Industry professionals, mentors, and career coaches are available to help you master essential programming skills.
Category: Schools
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
Udemy Courses
0 Break Diver Votes
Udemy is an online learning platform consisting of video tutorials on a variety of topics. This link will take you to the top free JavaScript courses on Udemy, but there are paid options as well that offer more than just video content. There are video courses on many topics of JavaScript, ranging from total beginner courses to field-specific ones. In addition, each course has a rating, and it is probably best to look for the ones with higher ratings and more users.
Category: Self-Study
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
0 Break Diver Votes
This link takes you to a comprehensive JavaScript cheat sheet. It summarizes the important points in JavaScript so that you have a clear reference to refer back to when coding.
Category: Other Apps & Websites
Skill Levels:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
You Don't Know JS Yet (6-Book Series) by Kyle Simpson
0 Break Diver Votes
The books are a bit expensive, and short since the author broke up the original book into six smaller versions, but each volume is packed with great info you simply will not find in other books about Javascript. Go read the reviews on Amazon and you'll see why it's so popular. Then, read the introduction from a senior developer at Microsoft and you'll probably end up ordering it for yourself as well.
Category: Textbooks
Skill Levels:
- Intermediate
- Advanced
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