What is the best way to get started in this dive?

First, to get started, get started RIGHT. Many people start learning Chinese by focusing exclusively on pinyin (which is the way we write Chinese sounds using the English alphabet). Do not do this. From day one, learn the tones and pronunication WITH the hanzi, i.e. the Chinese characters.

Second, make sure you focus on the tones carefully. If you don't, you will get off on the wrong foot with terrible habits. You will think you are saying one thing, when you are actually saying another thing.

Third, practice it wherever you go. Ideally, work with a live teacher every week, so you can actually practice real conversations.

As you continue, ask EVERYONE you know (who knows Chinese) to correct your Chinese Mandarin. Always. It’s the quickest way to improve--via instant correction.

Finally, put together a solid study plan and schedule, using the many resources we have assembled for you on the pages to come. A great 'moving goal post' is the HSK test system. HSK stands for 汉语水平考试, or Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi. This is the Chinese language proficiency test offered by the Chinese government. There are 6 levels. 1 and 2 only use pinyin. 3 ditches all pinyin for hanzi. Passing level 4 allows you to study and work in China in a Chinese environment. Passing 5 means you can read novels and newspapers relatively easily. Passing 6 means you are on your way to fluency.

So to get started, your first step should be... to go to the next article!